As the sun sets on our high school career, the sun rises over CCA. For the class of 2025, it’s the beginning of the end.
On September 17, seniors set their alarms for the dreadful hour of 5 a.m. so they could arrive at the CCA field at 6 a.m. for the annual Senior Sunrise. Regardless of the early wake-up call, seniors were excited to engage in this yearly tradition. (Granted, the free donuts and hot chocolate were an excellent incentive.) The sky was so dark upon arrival that it could have been midnight. As more people flowed in, the sun rose and the sky lightened. About thirty minutes after most people arrived, ASB announced that it was time for the concessions: the heavily-awaited donuts and hot chocolate. Although it was a little chilly, the hot chocolate warmed the hands and hearts of the class of 2025. After everyone was filled with cocoa and community, the students played lawn games provided by ASB, including bowling, cornhole, football, spikeball, and many more. For an hour and a half, seniors kicked around soccer balls, snapped sunrise photos, and cozied up in blankets. Many seniors decorated cars and parking spaces, bedazzling the student lot with an array of colors. (Unfortunately, we didn’t get the memo and missed out on this activity, but we’re glad that everyone else emerged with decorated cars!)
Eventually, the crowd started to trickle out of the stadium, leaving five individuals (us and three others) as the last people on the field. We continued to play spikeball until ASB had to retrieve their equipment. All in all, it was an early but enjoyable experience.
As September hits and the school year is officially one-eighth of the way finished, the class of 2025 celebrates the fleeting moment of living on the cusp of childhood and adulthood.