Canyon Crest Academy’s campus is large and varied. It always has been. Accordingly, some areas are better than others. But which is which? What spot is objectively the best, and which is the worst? To solve this completely unnecessary dilemma, this article will walk through the best and worst spots on campus in a totally, completely, fully, utterly unbiased manner (from a person who hates crowds with a burning passion).
Starting off absolutely horrible, there’s always 95 million events happening in the Lower and Upper Quads. And as such, 150 million people attend. It’s open, sure, but it’s just a lot. Don’t sit on the grass! Don’t even sit on the bricks! It is wet with dew and ants roam freely. You will get both on your clothes and you will suffer. The stairs and passageways between the class buildings receive the same treatment. If you have to go anywhere during passing period, just don’t. Put your muscles into atrophy.
Not as horrible (but still not great), we have the odd corner by the F building. It’s dark. It’s very quiet. You will get jumpscared by anyone walking through. You probably won’t get jumped in the neighborhood we live in, but it sure feels like it when you’re right here. At least you can pop into nearby classrooms for refuge.
The tiny alcove near the stairs does not make up for it. It’s a bit small. People may walk by and startle you. Your conversations and work will be interrupted by random people trying to get to the AP Lit class they’re only taking for the GPA bonus. Me too, girl. You go and get there. I often get startled by footsteps due to the fear of getting jumpscared by Mr. Malanga himself, which isn’t exactly ideal.
In a similar vein, upstairs balconies (e.g. rightmost B building) are fairly uninhabited. While it’s much less eerie with the bright sunlight in your eyes and the view of the neighborhood, you may see random people ditching their classes and wonder why they’re there. What are they doing outside? Why is their partner with them? Let’s go back to third period, okay?
The F Quad, however, is pretty chill. It’s a solid place to hang out, talk, and eat lunch. You either get freezing cold shade or unrelenting sun, but you can have a reasonable conversation in this area. There are nice green jasmine plants to make you not feel like you’re trapped at school. Several bald or greying teachers have been seen passing by, all have been pleasant.
Similarly, the Learning Commons is pleasant in the early morning (although you can never find a seat at lunch). A good place to get some work done if your next classes are in the B or C buildings. If not, either go directly to your class or work on your sprinting skills. You will need them anyhow, if you don’t want Mr. Lockhart to yell at you for arriving at 8:30 sharp and not a few minutes before.